Monday 13 April 2020


Several questions have be emailed to Hales Water Turbines Ltd regarding the last Blog Post. 

 The first of several was the following :-

What is the potential amounts of tidal energy contained within the territorial waters of each country within the continental shelf, if low-velocity tidal areas were fully exploited to reduced the effects of Climate Change ?.
First of all, lets assume that no restrictions to each national territorial waters are in place, then very large areas, thousands of square kilometres are with tidal flows of 1.0 m/s or more.  With the use of suitable venturi acting systems, which basically are just a method of funnelling the water flows with a narrower entry mouth of the turbines which greatly increases the energy potential to extract, also the venturi areas can act as marine nurseries for most species in that area.
Most low-velocity  reaction type tidal turbines have a vertical output shaft so modular construction into a tidal fence energy farm, these could also be linked up with off-shore wind  turbines and wave generators and the renewable energy sent to shore through a common cable. In future years these Marine Energy farms will be set to produce Hydrogen and again piped ashore.

Under these conditions,
Both the UK and Republic of Ireland could supply 100% plus of national grid requirements.
France approx 80%, Belgium and Holland 75 - 80%, Germany 60% , Norway 75 %, Denmark 85 -90 % Portugal 60%, Spain  45%.
Spatial information on all water velocities and depths within the European continental shelf  area are held by national naval and marine departments and much can also be found on the internet.

A personal  input
Paul Hales
Hales Water Turbines Ltd
11th April 2020

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